A Mongoose bike saddle


Cycling can be a nightmare for anyone who suffers from recurring saddle sores. These may be abrasions or small blemishes but they can be painful and distracting. They make riding very hard, and at times impossible. There have been instances where professional cyclists had to abandon races on account of sores that had become cysts.

The sores are caused by the constant rubbing of skin against cycling shorts or saddle surface. Bacterial infection sets in if the sores are left unattended for a period of time. Then they become more painful, and difficult.

You have to take the following steps to avoid these skin abrasions:

– Bike fit is improved: This is the first requirement. If the seat is very high, the hips rock on the seat while pedalling. It actually irritates the skin. An experienced coach can assist in giving you the right posture.

– Stretching and standing: You should lift yourself for fifteen to twenty seconds while cycling. This lessens the pressure on the crotch and restores circulation.

– Moving on the saddle: Sit towards the rear where your bones sustain maximum support. Also, frequent change of position eases pressure on the skin.

– Choose soft and smooth shorts: Shorts with a one-piece liner and with flat seams prevent rashes because of rubbing. Chamois and shorts should be soft and padded. One has to experiment with different brands to find the one that suits the individual skin.

– Choosing a supportive seat: Too narrow saddles, too wide saddles, too soft saddles have their disadvantages. One may rub the inner thighs, the other may not provide enough support to your bones, or may press upward causing numbing pressure. Saddle choice is crucial and needs to be chosen according to individual requirements.

– Lubrication: Use some good ointment like balm or petroleum jelly to reduce friction caused by the chamois

– Keeping clean: Always wear clean cycling shorts for each ride. Always keep the skin dry. Wash your crotch with warm water and antibacterial soap before lubing up.

– Change quickly: After a ride, change your shorts promptly to prevent the bacteria from breeding and entering the abraded skin. Wash with soap and water. Dry well and wear loose-fitting clothing to let your skin breathe.

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– Sleep without clothes: Air circulation keeps the skin dry and free of clothing contact while you are in bed.

You need to take medical assistance at the first signs of sores. Especially helpful is an acne gel containing 10% benzyl peroxide. Also, you can try a course of oral antibiotics. Of course, rest is the best; it prevents the small abrasion from turning into a boil or a cyst.

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