Two-lane bike with two bikers

A track bicycle is a fixed-gear bicycle that is usually used in a velodrome. It has light and narrow tires that are inflated to very high pressure, well beyond those used in road cycling. This is done to cut down the rolling resistance brought about by friction. The tires used by track cyclists for grass tracks have knobs to minimize the chances of skidding . In addition, these tires are literally puncture-proof and rarely get punctured. Read more . . .

Silver and purple helmets

The use of safety helmets for cyclists is mandatory in most western countries. This not only makes cycling a safe sport but also saves several lives on the road. It also saves several young men and women from suffering crippling head injuries because of accidents.

But for the helmet to be useful, it must fit properly. An ill-fitting helmet may give some protection but not sufficient protection. Preferably, there should be no space between the head and the helmet padding. Loose helmets are prone to jerks, and can actually crash into your skull when you hit the road. Read more . . .

Bike with bike trailer

Utility cycling is a broad term used to pertain to cycling as a means of transportation. It is used to refer to students using cycles to go to schools, delivery boys using bicycles to deliver groceries, postmen using bicycles to deliver mail, or office-goers using bicycles to go to work. In fact, any cycling that is not done for sport, recreation, or pleasure can be considered utility cycling. Read more . . .

Lone biker on wide road

There are four requirements for safe cycling: physical strength, ability to handle the bike expertly, knowledge of routes, and knowledge of traffic laws. Each of these requires additional effort on the part of the cyclist. But these are skills that will stand him in good stead in the long run.

1. Building cycling strength: Physical exercises like jogging, skating or walking alone are not enough for the cyclist. Yes, they do build muscular strength but the cyclist also needs strong calf and thigh muscles. For this, Read more . . .

A Mongoose bike saddle

Cycling can be a nightmare for anyone who suffers from recurring saddle sores. These may be abrasions or small blemishes but they can be painful and distracting. They make riding very hard, and at times impossible. There have been instances where professional cyclists had to abandon races on account of sores that had become cysts.

The sores are caused by the constant rubbing of skin against cycling shorts or saddle surface. Bacterial infection sets in if the sores are left unattended for a period of time. Then they become more painful, and difficult. Read more . . .