Cyclists on dead mountains

One of the first things that a cyclist needs to know is the importance of setting the correct tire pressure in mountain bikes. A tire that is correctly inflated provides the cyclist control and makes the ride smooth. In contrast, low pressure increases the danger of getting a flat tire and makes cycling harder, while high pressure makes the bike bumpy and uncontrollable. Read more . . .

White mountain bike

When you were a kid, the eagerness of showing off on your shiny new bike was almost too much to bear.  Then, on shopping day, you were on top of the world as you sped down the sidewalk in a blur of chrome, red enamel  and handlebar tassels.   Now that you’re all grown up, can buying a new bike be that exciting  ?  Yes, it can be, if you know what to look for. Read more . . .

Lady riding a bike

Riding a mountain bike is pretty much similar to riding any other type of bike.  Except for the rocks, the streams, the fallen trees and the occasional mountain.  In other words, mountain biking is the ultimate version of two-wheeling around the neighbourhood.  It can be hazardous,  so should be respected and even a little feared.  If you want to hit the trails, you need to know mountain biking skills. Read more . . .

Touring bike on the wall

There is something about acquiring a new bike that makes you feel like a kid once more.  On a shiny brand new bike, the wind feels a bit wilder in your hair and you feel like you are five years old.  There’s no question that purchasing a new bike is a rush.  The question is, what type of bike to buy?

Bicycles come in prices and styles  to suit every need and virtually every budget. Selecting from the many kinds of bikes on the market is a personal decision that’s basically determined by the type of riding you want to do. Read more . . .