Silver and purple helmets

The use of safety helmets for cyclists is mandatory in most western countries. This not only makes cycling a safe sport but also saves several lives on the road. It also saves several young men and women from suffering crippling head injuries because of accidents.

But for the helmet to be useful, it must fit properly. An ill-fitting helmet may give some protection but not sufficient protection. Preferably, there should be no space between the head and the helmet padding. Loose helmets are prone to jerks, and can actually crash into your skull when you hit the road. Read more . . .

Lone biker on wide road

There are four requirements for safe cycling: physical strength, ability to handle the bike expertly, knowledge of routes, and knowledge of traffic laws. Each of these requires additional effort on the part of the cyclist. But these are skills that will stand him in good stead in the long run.

1. Building cycling strength: Physical exercises like jogging, skating or walking alone are not enough for the cyclist. Yes, they do build muscular strength but the cyclist also needs strong calf and thigh muscles. For this, Read more . . .

Rear bike wheel

Gears and chain drive have made cycling easier, and definitely more fun. The two practically channel the energy that makes the bicycle move forwards. Butr, this may not always be true. Previously, the bicycle pedals were attached to the wheels, and cycling was not easy. It was only when the chain drive was developed that the bicycle got its modern appearance. Read more . . .

Blue biker's helmet

In the eyes of the law, a bicycle is a vehicle that is subject to the same rules, regulations and law.  The only difference, in fact, between a bicycle and say, an SUV, is about five thousand pounds.  For that reason, if you ride a bicycle,  you have to be very, very sure you’re properly protected.

When you  buy a bicycle, do not leave the shop without buying the necessary biking gear.  Having the proper accessories when you’re on the road will make your ride more enjoyable, more comfortable and above all, a whole lot safer. Read more . . .

Lady on a mountain bike

Knowing to ride a bike is a rite of passage.  It’s an ability that takes us from three-wheeler to two-wheeler, from sidewalk to street.  It’s also one of the easiest of life’s lessons to learn, but it does take effort to know how to ride well.

Your Body Position

Smart cycling begins with proper body positioning.  Some individuals like to ride with their bodies in a low position, but this is not the correct posture. Read more . . .